Letting Go…


It’s always interesting take note of how relationships can so easily form. It’s as easy as a glance, a wave, a hug, a handshake, or a kiss. Yet, it is so difficult to say goodbye. Having recently spent a period in a fuzzy haze of not understanding how to feel after a breakup, I finally feel clear in my mind and my heart. It’s the moment when you realize that you must let go, that you must see the situation for how it is (and not for what it was or what you hoped it could have been), where you’ll finally be able to, in the words of Elizabeth Gilbert, “allow contentment to come to you.”

What are some things you do to get over a failed friendship or heartbreak? What are things you say to a friend after such a situation to help them?

Yesterday, I missed (I’m still kicking myself) a free John Legend Concert at the Kennedy Center. I was able to catch parts of the show on Youtube and I fell in love with his performance for Ordinary People.” 

We don’t know which way to go
Cause we’re just ordinary people

Whether in love, in friendships, in career/academic pathways, we reach crossroads where it can be difficult to figure out where to go. Everything seems to be a game of tug o’ war where you have people pulling or releasing, but when you can achieve a balance, it can work out. Just play your part, do what you can do, and whatever happens will happen. 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Letting Go…

  1. you could’ve been there for free?! we would not have missed that if i had a say in it.
    well, at least it’s a high-quality video 🙂

    1. (the emphasis is on *THERE* as in, what i beautiful venue! i remember you told me it was free :P)

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